As a small “Thank You” to our awesome Graduate Students, CHP hosted an appreciation lunch on April 1, 2022.
From the Chair, David Janicke, “It was great to see so many of you at the graduate student appreciation luncheon today. Thank you to the graduate students, and all our awesome trainees, for all you do on a daily basis! It is a pleasure and honor to work, learn, and grow with you! I look forward to more opportunities for all of us to get together in the coming months.”
From Dr. Marsiske, Director of Graduate Education, “Thank you … to Dr. Janicke for supporting this event. I reiterate what Dr. Janicke says. Our trainees are the reason we exist as an academic department, and I am personally grateful for the many ways in which you enrich our lives daily.”
From Dr. Waxenberg, Director of Training for the pre-doctoral Internship program, “I am continuously impressed with our incredible graduate students. You work so hard and push yourselves so much to obtain the knowledge to do the kind of research and clinical work that truly makes a difference. Thank you for giving me new perspectives and insights and pushing me to be a better supervisor and mentor. You are what makes my job so rewarding. And a shout out to our incredible interns and postdocs – we are thankful for and appreciate you too!! I count myself lucky to work the very best trainees.”
You are appreciated!
Please enjoy these photos courtesy of Dr. Janicke and Dr. Waxenberg.